26 March 2017

Body Beast...going Strong! But I am still struggling with...

Body Beast is quickly becoming MY FAVORITE PROGRAM!

I'm loving the lifting, I'm loving the ISO-days (where I'm working out only 1 body part), I'm loving the progression I am seeing in the weight I can lift, and I'm loving that these workouts are not something I dread!

However, with all the things that I LOVE LOVE LOVE, I am still struggling with the nutrition.  I'm not sure WHY this is such a struggle for me, but Lord knows I'm trying to figure it out.

So far:

🌷Meal planning has become easier; thank you pinterest.
🌷Meal prep... Not my forte... I know it is SUPER important to do!  Totally makes life easier and healthy meals are right there, ready to eat...  Have you eaten 3 day old chicken?  😖
🌷I don't always stick to my plan - This is where I really get stuck.  If I'm taking the time to write out a plan, I need to stick to it. 
   Tell me, has this happened to you?  Have you been so ready to eat your planned meal and then a pizza is delivered (not magically but bc your family ordered it)?  Have you ever been out and wanted to stop and enjoy a snack with you kid, but she doesn't like salad, so you go get Fro-Yo instead?  Oh no...not the  movie theater... popcorn, candy, pretzels, NACHOS! 
This right here is where we need to be STRONG!  This is where we need to remember the HOURS we are putting in to build our bodies to be powerful.  This is where our MINDS need to be strong!

This is also the hard part because we are programed by society to "Treat yo'self" or "Carpe Diem" or "YOLO"...  Yes, all of that is true.  All work and no play WILL make Jane (or Katie) a very DULL girl!  But treating yourself doesn't mean indulging in every opportunity to do so. 

Another good option - for me at least - is to start getting Lily away from the processed food.  I know if I was able to "fix" her diet, then I wouldn't have the junk food around, and this I wouldn't indulge.  And yes - I know she's 5 and I can just take the junk food away - or can I?!  Have you lived with a 5 year old?  LOL. Have you lived with MY 5 year old?  That's a topic for another blog.  😂

This being said, I've decided to get a little help by paying it forward!

I'm hosting a FREE 5 day clean eating group next week (April 3rd) to help others get in the know, and to get US into the HABIT of clean eating!

I'd love for you to join me, just click here on my FB event invite and click GOING!  I will be in touch and we can get started supporting each other on this journey!


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