Body Beast Day 1... honestly, I give it a 2 out of 10.
Yesterday (2.27.17) started off good! I subbed my coffee and cream with tea and sugar (I'm in search of green Stevia to sub my sugar 😉). I was so proud of myself for this since I was not looking forward to a 24hr migraine from a lack of caffeine! I had my "normal" breakfast. Eggs, spinach, with toast. Lunch was good too. Tuna with a little mayo and a banana. I was on point!
But when my day doesn't go as planned... boy do I loose my shit! Honestly, the ONLY time I didn't loose my shit was the day my daughter was born. YEAH! I had planned on a natural, drug-free birth... she wanted to be a C-Section. Lol. The gift at the end of that day was totally worth my plans getting screwed!
I had plan on having the house to myself and going hard with my first workout. Weeeeeell... I didn't have the house to myself and automatically began the normal self-doubt pattern I'm trying so hard to change.
I let myself get distracted yesterday and ultimately let myself down.
Today - my "real" day 1 was much better.
Same morning routine, with the excitement of it being Lily's day for school pictures! It was a great morning!
I ate lunch, a homemade burger with air-fried fries. Not "clean" but with lean beef and no deep frying, in my book, I count it as a win!
Then the house was all mine! 😊 I did yesterday's workout and today's...
Note to self - I must prepare better for plans to be messed up because there is NO way I can do 2 in one day again!
However... I killed it! I feel good, I'll have the good feeling soreness tomorrow. I'm couldn't have had a better day today.
Dinner will be veggie heavy, Shakeology is being drunk now, and tonight I'll sleep like a baby (who actually sleeps👶🏼)!
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