From Hugh Jackman (😍) to Oprah to your neighbor, so many people are finding inward peace and focus with something I just recently had the privilege of learning - Transcendental Meditation (TM).

Who else has tried to meditate?! Have you found it difficult to focus your mind on your breathing?! Have you struggled with keeping away random thoughts during your meditations?! Did you find it difficult sitting in a stiff upright posture for 5, 15, 30 minutes?!


Oh Em Gee! When I first heard about TM from a BuzzFeed video, like 2 years ago, I was baffled and hooked! The people who tried it relaxed their anxiety, lifted their depression, and more. I wanted to learn, I wanted to know more, and I sought out the info! THEN, finding out Hugh Jackman, amongst many other successful individuals, use this form of meditation daily, YO! I 'bout fell out of my chair!

One of my favorite apps on my phone these days is the CALM APP. You may have heard of it, but if not, this app has tons of guided meditations, loads of nature sounds, bed time stories (yes for grown ups!), music, and SOOOOOO much more. So WHY wasn't this the answer to my meditation desires? For the reason I asked you about above.  

The difference between Meditation and TM - Leaving the conscious mind and transcending further inward.

I seriously wish I could snap a pic of my meditation posture for you. I look like grandpa slouched over in his recliner with drool running to his shirt... legit! My brain... I NEVER stop having thoughts! Guess what? That's a good thing! Breathing? Girl, I think I stopped at one point I was so damn relaxed. 🤣

Don't get me wrong, CALM is an amazing tool and I use it daily for their sleep stories and nature sounds. I've just discovered a different meditation that brings upon the result I have been looking for, for a long time.

Now the more I practice TM, the more I would like to share with you! However, TM is to be taught ONLY by a certified instructor and that is NOT me. But here's how you can find a center near you!! Simply visit to find a center/instructor and get your intro talk scheduled!

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