Despondency: noun. a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.
Dejection: noun. a sad and depressed state; low spirits.
Lazy: adjective. unwilling to work or use energy.
Habit: noun. a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
I often wonder if my typical low energy is caused by my Depression or if I just have Lazy, Bad Habits. How can we tell?!
I often WANT to do things, and find myself getting out of them. Usually if the event, task, etc. doesn't have to do with my daughter, I will shy away from it. I'll escape into her world, or into television if she's not around.
The desire to do things without the motivation to take action is often used to describe depression. Wanting to get out of bed in the morning and physically unable to lift your head is depression. I can't say that I have ever experiences this particular result of depression, but I know many who have. The desire is there, but the action is taken.
Being lazy is simply just not wanting to take action. The physical ability is there, but the will is lost. Will power is a tricky thing. I believe we can develop an overwhelming sense of laziness through our depression, causing us to develop Bad Habits.
Daily, I will wake up with hope. I'll have tasks I want to complete, and plan for my day. Within hours, my brain get foggy, my forgetfulness takes over, and by the time I drop my daughter at school, I'm a blank slate.
I've tried calendars, planners, to-do lists, apps that are made to "organize your life," and honestly I forget to even check these helpful tools, so my mind stays blank. I get frustrated. Like REALLY frustrated, because I know I wanted to do something. I wrote it down somewhere, but my mind doesn't make the connection to pick up my planner.
I'm currently working with the Smart Life Push Journal. I love this journal! It tracks my goals, helps me organize how to achieve them, I track my sleep, fitness, nutrition, and water intake. If I could just remember to look at it! Once I finally notice my journal and take a look at it, there is the challenge of what small steps I can take today to get myself life where I want it tomorrow.
It's the How... I am always reading, "don't worry about the how, just start doing."
I find this to be great advice! TAKE ACTION! It's smart... But in all actuality, without the How, how do I know what actions to take?!
Vicious Circle anyone...
The way I see it is that I will never "Cure" my depression, so I have to start with the bad habits. For example, prior to writing this blog, I ate a large amount of chocolate frosted brownies.
~Not part of my meal plan
~Not good for the fitness results I have for myself
~Not what I wanted to do
~Done with absolutely NO though process
It's just a bad habit...which catapults me into laziness (because, blah!)...which catapults me into loads of self-hate...which catapults me into depression (because, why do I do this?!).
Let's do this together. Whether you suffer with depression or not, we all have bad habits.
Start Small:
Pick a habit you would like to change. Work on changing that habit alone until you no longer have said habit, or until you've replaced it with a better habit.
I'll be working on my task list. I have a reminder (with alarm) on my phone to remind me to look at my Journal once every hour. I'll begin my day by writing down all of my idea as soon as I wake up. This will mean waking up before my daughter, so that my mind can focus on ME and what I need to accomplish.
In 30 days I'll revisit this blog... I wonder what the results will be.
What about you? What habit will you be changing and where will you be in 30 days? I'd love to know, so comment below!