Beachbody's 3-Day Refresh is a program I have tried multiple times. I'm starting to get the feeling I am just not cut out for the cleanse life.
Don't get me wrong! I LOVE Beachbody and ALL of their products, but I'm just not in a place where I can focus on this particular program yet.
The results people get from this program are amazing... Just check out the
Beachbody Blog for results!
I'm a believer in having the right mindset for all things you want to accomplish. With the 3-Day Refresh, I never have the right mindset going in. I've not done enough research on "cleanses" as a whole. I know they are beneficial, but WHY?!
Yes, I want to detoxify my body.
Yes, I want to give my system a kickstart of clean, raw foods.
Yes, I want to feel my best.
The part that stops me... Can't I do this while eating a full-sized, well-portioned meal?
Yes, Yes I can!
So this is what happens. Because I have the MINDSET that I can achieve this kickstart, detox with a clean diet of "regular" meals, I find myself "starving" more than this program should make you feel.
There is also the boredom... Do you eat when you are bored too? It's pretty terrible for me. So when I decide to take on a program like this, I don't succeed because I haven't prepared myself to undergo everything it entails.
What we often forget is to start at the beginning! Read these question below and ask yourself what YOUR answers are..Be honest with yourself!
What are our "bad" habits with food?
WHY do we have these habits?
Is this a habit something I am willing to change? - GREAT question here.
What will changing this habit to for me?

Am I ready to make this change?
Once you've asked yourself these questions and you have REALLY been honest with yourself, you are ready to TAKE ON THE WORLD! But you can start with the
3-Day Refresh!
Personally, I haven't been honest with myself when asking these questions... If I can be honest with you, I'm not ready to make the change I need to start this program. It may just be 3-Days, it may seem easy, but MINDSET is the pillar that MUST be in the right spot for success to prevail.
I'm not mad that I failed, I'm not defeated, and I'm not giving up.
I know what I need to do, so now it's about getting my mindset where it needs to be! This 3-Day Refresh is my CHALLENGE... CHALLENGE accepted!