30 April 2017

Passion Project... Regular Gal

For almost 2 months now, I have been working on a passion project of mine - Regular Gal Co.  

Every see those FB ads for tank tops, maybe a represent campaign has come across your feed with a shirt you MUST have.  Well, when I see these ads and posts, I not only MUST have the shirts, but I MUST make them!

So... I've decided to do just that.  Sometimes I see a phrase I love, but I'm not a fan of the font the designer used, so I change the font and make it my own.  I'm hoping that the better I get at Photoshop, the better I get at making my own designs.  And in time, I'm planning on creating custom designs so that YOU can have exactly what you want.

All the plans!

I've have a number of problem throughout this process, but that is all a part of great success!  If it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be worth it.

So please, join me May 8th for my Launch of The Regular Gal Clothing Shop! I'm hope you will love it as much as I do!

Facebook Page - Regular Gal Co.
Regular Gal Shop - Regular Gal Co.

27 April 2017

My 3 Day Refresh Experience...

Beachbody's 3-Day Refresh is a program I have tried multiple times.  I'm starting to get the feeling I am just not cut out for the cleanse life.

Don't get me wrong!  I LOVE Beachbody and ALL of their products, but I'm just not in a place where I can focus on this particular program yet.

The results people get from this program are amazing...  Just check out the Beachbody Blog for results!

I'm a believer in having the right mindset for all things you want to accomplish.  With the 3-Day Refresh, I never have the right mindset going in.  I've not done enough research on "cleanses" as a whole.  I know they are beneficial, but WHY?!

Yes, I want to detoxify my body.
Yes, I want to give my system a kickstart of clean, raw foods.
Yes, I want to feel my best.

The part that stops me... Can't I do this while eating a full-sized, well-portioned meal?

Yes, Yes I can!

So this is what happens.  Because I have the MINDSET that I can achieve this kickstart, detox with a clean diet of "regular" meals, I find myself "starving" more than this program should make you feel. 

There is also the boredom... Do you eat when you are bored too?  It's pretty terrible for me.  So when I decide to take on a program like this, I don't succeed because I haven't prepared myself to undergo everything it entails.

What we often forget is to start at the beginning!  Read these question below and ask yourself what YOUR answers are..Be honest with yourself!

What are our "bad" habits with food?
WHY do we have these habits?
Is this a habit something I am willing to change? - GREAT question here.
What will changing this habit to for me?
Am I ready to make this change?

Once you've asked yourself these questions and you have REALLY been honest with yourself, you are ready to TAKE ON THE WORLD!  But you can start with the 3-Day Refresh

Personally, I haven't been honest with myself when asking these questions... If I can be honest with you, I'm not ready to make the change I need to start this program.  It may just be 3-Days, it may seem easy, but MINDSET is the pillar that MUST be in the right spot for success to prevail.

I'm not mad that I failed, I'm not defeated, and I'm not giving up.

I know what I need to do, so now it's about getting my mindset where it needs to be!  This 3-Day Refresh is my CHALLENGE...  CHALLENGE accepted!

06 April 2017

Marriage, Divorce, and the "ugly" aftermath.

I had posted this on Facebook and wanted to share here as well.  This may sound a little Dear Diary-like, but I'm a firm believer in getting your feelings out, rather than holding them in.  Maybe my struggle can help someone else in a similar situation... 
It can be difficult, this after divorce/co-parenting life.  It's even harder when 3rd parties butt in...

When you decide to spend your life with someone, NOT being with them isn't ever part of the story.

My ex and I, though things didn't work out in the end, MUST be friends. We share a child. We are a family for as long as she lives and breathes. And I'm looking at, at least, 100 years right there.

So... It's painful when someone tries to come between that. It's painful when I'm expected to be a different person to please someone else. It's painful to see how EVERYTHING negative affects my child.

All I can do, all anyone can do, is LIVE THEIR OWN TRUTH. Be your authentic self!

I've spent months with my therapist working on identifying MY feelings verses the feelings of others that I take on. I have learned to be unapologetically ME! And I look forward to teaching my daughter to be the same way.

Let your truth shine through even when others try to cast a cloud over you. Their insecurities need not infect your love tank! Stay positive, stay humble, live joyfully.

If you happen to be a cloud caster... please rethink your intentions.
💔Will you hurt someone...maybe a child...with the words you say by way of the actions that follow? 💔Will your actions create a rift where the child desires to see friendship? 💔Is ugly really the truth you want to give to the world?

My belief is that cloud casters don't intend to be this way. I believe in my heart that harmony is desired by all 7 billion humans on the planet. But, as I totally get, our emotions sometimes take over.

When I made the decision to divorce my husband and to ultimately take away Daddy/Daughter time from my child, I did NOT do it lightly.  But I had to look to the light, to the positive that could come to us once this decision was final.

I needed to understand what would eventually happen.  My ex would meet someone new.  What did this mean for our family?  I chose to see the good.  This meant that maybe I would have a new friend!  That's always a plus.  Maybe we would even be best friends, who knows.  Lily would have another "Aunt" figure in her life.  One more person loving your child can't be bad.  My ex would have hopefully found his match.  Because all we really want is to see those we loved and lost be happy! 

The good was looking really good.  And THAT is what made my decision easier.  Not possible - it was happening regardless - but easier indeed!

Sadly, this is not what the divorce brought into my life.  The divorce brought back and forth "what ifs" and second, third, fourth chances that only ended in heartache for me and my daughter.  It's brought a constant struggle to build a friendship with my ex because every step forward is met with angry from a third party, taking us 2 steps back.  It's KNOWING my ex, KNOWING his games, having to put up with those games while STILL he swears he's a loyal and faithful companion to "who he is with."  <-------- Hence our divorce...

However, with all the pain this divorce causes me... with all the struggles I still have to face... with all the games that are still being played...  I still have hope.

The future I pictured will never happen.  There's too much pain involved, and honestly, my pride has been hurt enough and I won't set myself up for that sort of abuse again.  But I AM HOPEFUL...

🌺Hopeful for a friendship
🌺Hopeful for that "storybook" Daddy/Daughter relationship for my girl
🌺Hopeful that egos will subside and life can go on in harmony
🌺Hopeful that Lily has such a resilience to all of this that I look at her in awe!

THE most important thing in all of this is protecting my daughter.  Seeing that she gets quality time with her father, regardless of anyone's actions or emotions (mine included).  It is HER that is the priority in my life.  Anyone who wants to stand in the way of her happiness will be met with fierce resistance and anger.  #CanWeSayMamaBear

So please, if you are in a situation like me, Cross your heart and Give it to God.  Worry not for HE will provide.  God Bless!

© Katie Jessup. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.